Sunday, December 29, 2019

Complementarian Interpretation. Edward Donnelly Begins

Complementarian Interpretation Edward Donnelly begins his article titled, Should Women Preach? by emphatically stressing the clear nature of Paul’s instruction in 1 Timothy 2:12-15. He says, â€Å"The words are clear, the grammar straightforward, the meaning obvious.† Such a strong statement would lead one to ask, â€Å"Why is there so much controversy around this verse if it is so clear?† Donnelly’s answer is simply that many Christians have been brainwashed ‘by the spirit of the age’ and succumb to the pursuit of cultural relevance and pragmatism over biblical faithfulness. For over nineteen hundred years, Donnelly points out that Christians have understood this passage to mean that Paul prohibits women from teaching publicly or holding ruling†¦show more content†¦It is for this reason that Timothy was in Ephesus with the purpose of restoring the Ephesian church to a faithful and healthy. It is with this motive that Paul instructs Timothy. Considering the histor ical context, Donnelly argues that Paul prohibits women from teaching authoritatively over men as a biblical characteristic of a healthy church. Donnelly recognizes that many will see such a conclusion and find it offensive and discriminatory. He argues that this is because of imposing a secular worldview in which assigned roles are exclusively connected to the ascribed value of an individual. In scripture, however, function does not necessarily indicate hierarchical value. The greatest example is the trinity; we see each person of the godhead performing different roles yet equally infinitely valuable. But is the prohibition still applicable in the present day? Donnelly answers, yes. He states that most arguments claiming that Paul’s prohibition is not applicable in the present day, merely speculate. There are no biblical grounds to think that his prohibition is not applicable in the present day. Notably, Donnelly does not prescribe that a woman not share or teach at all but rather that they teach in a non-authoritative manner and under the approval of the elders of the local church. Donnelly’s have come under much criticism and though he presents his points in a very abrasive manner, there is much to be gleaned from his writing. When

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Ronald Reag A Beloved American President - 869 Words

Ronald Reagan was a beloved American president. However, he didn’t represent the prodigious archetype all citizens should follow. Reagan declared that the â€Å"government isn’t the solution to our problem† rather, â€Å"the government is the problem†. He decried that years of new deal-style tax- and- spend programs created a federal government that reminded him of a create who was all appetite at one end with no sense of responsibility on the other. In essence, he argues the government undermined one major sector of society. Under Johnson the welfare sector was booming. However, under Carter diplomacy was lacking as international crises got too out of hand for the dark-horse candidate to handle. Reagan pursued smaller government policies. He proposed a new federal budget that necessitated cuts of $35 billion, mostly on social programs like food stamps and federally funded job-training centers. Despite these cuts, increased military spending increased the national deficit. The second part of his economic program called for deep tax cuts amounting to 25% across-the-board reductions over a period of three years. His supply-side economics, though in theory made to aid all citizens by promising lower taxes that would increase government revenue because they would stimulate spending as a whole, didn’t aid all Americans. In fact, Reaganomics contributed to a greater disparity between the rich and the poor because the trickle-down effect only decreased taxes significantly for the rich and

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Colonial Experience in West Africa Free Essays

The Twentieth Century brought with it vast changes for the peoples of West Africa. The yoke of colonialism bound them together into a new political, economic, and social order. It was as if hundreds of years of history had suddenly ended, and begun again anew. We will write a custom essay sample on The Colonial Experience in West Africa or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the wake of the Berlin West Africa Conference, in 1885, the great powers of Europe – Britain, France, Germany, and even Portugal and Belgium – had carved up West Africa among themselves. European overlords either completely replaced, or else adopted a â€Å"supervisory† position over the native African authorities. Proud kingdoms, like those of the Asante, Benin, and Dahomey, found themselves forced to adapt or disappear, as West Africans struggled to make sense of a world that had been turned completely upside down and inside out. For â€Å"inside out,† could easily describe the reversal of economic roles that came along with European conquest. Formerly, European traders had stayed close to the coast, allowing the African rulers and merchants to supply Europe and her New World colonies with slaves and other â€Å"merchandise. The British had finally succeeded in ending the slave trade some years before, and many of the coastal kingdoms of West Africa had languished as a result. Some had been almost wholly dependent upon the trade in human beings – now there would have to be new sources of revenue. For the most part, these new sources of income would be developed by Europeans who would exploit West Africa’s people and resources for the benefit of their home countries. However, the Africans would also learn from their new masters. Some of them would obtain a Western education, or work to introduce the ideas of the modern industrial world to Africa. European science, technology, education, political, economic, cultural, and religious ideas would all have a profound impact on West Africa. The pre-colonial relationship between Europeans and West Africans was one of mutual trade. In the first half of the Nineteenth Century, Europeans vastly increased their purchases of palm oil, and also continued to buy tropical hardwoods, while Africans received the products of Europe’s industrial revolution: cotton and woolen textiles and iron. 1 It was only as direct European influence began to increase that economic conditions were gradually modified. The introduction of cocoa by European missionaries in the 1860s, led to its becoming a major cash crop and primary export by the earliest period of European colonial domination, around 1900. Gold and coca were the mainstays of the economy in the Gold Coast (now Ghana). To keep up with their seemingly insatiable demands for these and other products, the British, French, and other others, introduced more modern techniques of production. In particular, they employed industrial methods of mining, and built railroads and port facilities to enable a vastly increased flow of goods. Yet it would be wrong to think that was no African response to changed economic conditions. Already, in the late 1800s, African merchant families, such as the Sarbahs, began to encourage rubber production: In contrast to the palm oil trade, the rubber trade, because of a greater monetary return per unit of labour input and weight, drew into its orbit thousands of producers from the deep interior, including Sefwi, Kwahu, Asante and the distant states of Brong-Ahafo, all more than 100 miles from the coast. The rubber trade also gave rise to a new group of middle-men or broken from the Fanti states, Asin, Denkyera, and Akim, who carried the trade to the further limits of the forest zone and in so doing accelerated the extension of the cash economy. Rubber became a major export with shipments totalling well over one million pounds volume in 1886; and by 1893, the Gold Coast ranked first among the rubber exporting countries of the British Empire and third in the world. 3 Africans were, therefore, fully able to adapt themselves to European conditions in order to increase the size and extent of their markets, even if this necessitated adopting new techniques, and even entirely new crops, like rubber. On the down side, an economy based on growing and harvesting rubber latex caused significant social upheavals. The influence of the coastal mercantile families and kingdoms waned in favor of inland economic interests. 4 Families like the Sarbahs expanded their trading networks deep into the Interior, opening up branch story, cajoling purchasers, and further turning economic focus toward the one paramount crop. They also became increasingly dependent on fluctuations in the European market. 5 Furthermore, the conflict between European sponsored economic development, and meddlesome European control can be seen in the 1920’s Gold Coast, where British Governor Guggisberg pursued a policy that was in many ways detrimental to the future of the African peoples under his control: Anti-modernisation, anti-urban, and anti-development. Regulations and barriers against innovation proliferated†¦. Official policy did nothing to encourage the emergence of a commercial middle class. Its effect instead was to establish a highly formidable machinery of bureaucratic control†¦. The most damaging effect of colonial policy on the ground was the way in which it hindered the emergence of a ‘native modernizing cadre’, one result of which ‘was to divert into long and bitter anti-colonial struggles much brilliant talent which could have been used creatively in development sectors’. 6 The subordination of African interests to European profits condemned West Africans to economic backwards through lack of skills and genuine opportunities. The lack of skill and opportunity open to native West Africans leads naturally to a discussion of European education and the new horizons it presented. Prior to the era of colonial domination, West Africa’s peoples had had little contact with Western ideas, except for he occasional interactions with Christian missionaries. The states, large and small, of West Africa had been universally pre-industrial, and had possessed nothing in the way of modern communications, transportation, or even the kind of complex educational and political institutions that existed in the Christian and Muslim worlds. Missionaries were the first to introduce Western educational methods into West Africa: For them education took place in schools, where obedient pupils listened to teachers, took examinations, and received diplomas certifying knowledge. Discipline was important, not only to make the children study, but also to mold desirable habits and (that was usually considered to be even more important than learning itself). 7 On the whole, Western education extended only to teaching subjects that Europeans thought would be useful to their â€Å"charges. Vocational training was sufficient for people who would never have to govern themselves. 8 Nevertheless, an exposure to the Western academic tradition inspired many African families to push for a higher level of education for their children. â€Å"Few pupils wanted to undergo the cost and the hardship of study, only to be prepared for a rural life and a low living standard. † 9 In the 1930’s, in French West Africa, Colonial Government officials began to formulate a new approach that appeared to look forward to a synthesis of the European and Native traditions. France’s redefined mission civilisatrice [civilizing mission] was to be fulfilled†¦ by teaching the subject populations how to live according to â€Å"authentic African traditions,†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ This vision of France’s role overseas as the protector of indigenous cultures in the colonies challenged earlier presentations of the colonial mission that had presented France as the bearer of â€Å"European civilization† and â€Å"French culture† destined to bring Africa out of the â€Å"darkness† in which many late-nineteenth-century colonizers claimed its people lived. 10 The French administrators went so far as to strongly encourage African arts and crafts, sponsor African festivals – even to teach Africans â€Å"how to be African†(! ). In order to avoid contamination by native teachers already trained in the earlier European methods, the French actually brought in teachers from France to lead the Africans in the study of their native West African culture; these teachers being observed leading Natives in local folk dances, etc. 11 Such plans represented an interesting attempt to keep Native elites loyal to France, while at the same time, well-rooted in their Native lands and cultures. Ostensibly, such practices would avoid the â€Å"stateless† quality of Africans educated under the earlier system. Nonetheless, exposure to European educational and economic ideas – even when those ideas were fused with African traditions – could not forestall an African thirst for greater freedom and opportunity along European lines. Colonial rulers often imposed a dual system of justice – a European one for major offenses, and a Native one for those offenses deemed minor by the Colonial Authorities. The French, early on, abolished the Native courts and legal system, except in rare cases, while even under the British, it was quite clear that Native justice was distinctly secondary to the â€Å"real† justice of the Europeans. 12 Dichotomies such as these further entrenched notions of West African inferiority. The French instituted a policy of not interfering in African customs and culture, as long as those customs did not conflict with the French aim of achieving some sort of â€Å"evolution† among Africans. 13 It was taken utterly for granted that African culture was inherently inferior to French civilization. By contrast, the British authorities endeavored to maintain equilibrium by combining traditional African smallholder society with the demands of the British Cocoa Board. Rural West African society was to be maintained at all costs to prevent a breakdown of the social order, such as occurred when jobs were scarce and peasants left for the cities in the hope of finding work. There, oddly enough, the British actually encouraged the growth of an urban petit bourgeoisie in the dream of preventing rebellion. With the collapse of world markets during the Great Depression, urban and peasant unrest increased – with the noticeable difference that now a radicalized bourgeoisie was available to lead that unrest. 14 In short, the European colonial administrations of West Africa both helped and exploited Africans. With their thirst for profits, and a belief in the superiority of their own institutions, technology, and culture, they dreamed of â€Å"advancing† the native population while at the same time keeping that population economically productive, and under firm European control. Yet in so doing, they introduced many attributes of the modern world to the peoples of West Africa. European notions of development, education, and justice split traditional African life into separate public and private spheres – especially for those who embraced European learning and techniques. 15 The divide that grew up between Europeanized Africans, and those who have remained closer to their traditional ways of life remains a problem even today. One of the lasting legacies of European Colonization in West Africa was this impartial transformation; this creation of a society existing in two worlds, trained properly for neither. Once opened to the full force of the industrial (and later post-industrial) economy, the traditional African economy could not compete. At the same time, not enough West Africans were educated, in the European sense, to provide the skills and leadership to easily lead their people into a new era. European rule has left West Africa with many choices, not all of them good. How to cite The Colonial Experience in West Africa, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Bakery and Pastry for Flour and Cornstarch-

Question: Discuss about theBakery and Pastry for Flour and Cornstarch. Answer: The thickening agent is vital while making any kind of custard. It should be noted that it is this agent that acts as a thickener, and it helps in increasing the viscosity of the liquid food, without remarkably altering its taste or composition (Souzy et al. 2014). While various kinds of thickening agents are normally used for custard, any one thickening agent, that can be used in stirred custard is thickening starch, and the two examples of the same are flour and cornstarch. Usually, there are four components used in making plated dessert. Any three components of the same, that can be mentioned here are : Main Item Sauce Crunch Component The example of the main item is the actual dessert itself or the cake. It is the final product served. The example of the sauce component is kiwi puree or a rich caramel sauce, while the examples of the crunch component can be dry cookies, Tuille or nougat (Albuquerque et al. 2017). Garnishes are common while serving any type of plated dessert. Garnishes are usually used simply because it helps in enhancing the taste as well as improving the appearance of the custard, making it far daintier and tastier than before. Usually, in case a person is making a home-style dessert, he can easily keep it ungarnished (Adedokun and Mustapha 2015). However, garnishing is must especially when a plated dessert is to be served in a restaurant. Garnish is most often used in order to add depth and complexity to the dessert. It is needless to state that the dessert garnish items usually add colour as well as new, unique flavour to the dessert. Though it si less acknowledged, but it is important to note that garnishes are also known for offering great textual balance to the plated dessert as well, and should not be dismissed as a mere fanciful, decorative ingredient. For example, sugar work as a garnish ingredient is not only visually pleasing, but it does add firmness to the custar d as well. Fruit garnish and nut garnish are the two common types of garnishes that can be used for a plated custard. There are multiple factors that require serious consideration while making a plated custard. The first factor that requires to be considered here is texture. Texture in its literal sense implies how the person served with the custard would feel when he eats it. If the custard is too hard, it will take harder to taste the food, while if it is too soft, the taste may dull after a single bite. Hence, ensuring the right texture is important. The next factor to be taken care of, is size. The custard should not be too small or too big (Marina and NurulAzizah 2014). The third factor is temperature at which the custard is being served to the customer. It is to be noted that the trick to temperature contrasts is to ensure that the plated custard arrives to the customer at the exactly desired temperature. A scoop of sorbet, for example, will begin melting the very moment it is placed on a plate so it must should necessarily be served quickly to prevent ruining its appearance.Next, garnishes, s erving vessels, colour and height of the dessert should also be taken care of, and are important factors as well. Syneresis is a method whereby any liquid substance is being extracted from a gel, for example this method is involved when whey is collected from the surface of yoghurt. While making plated custard, this method is being used, as when the custard is left overnight, the watery liquid within it starts leaking from the gel structure and forms Syneresis, which is totally edible (Vareltzis et al. 2016). Frozen desserts are one of the most popular desserts made by freezing liquids or even semi-solids, and there are various kinds if frozen desserts. The six most popular kinds of frozen desserts are as follows: The two crunch additional components that can be used while making plated custard are cookies and chocolates. There are various factors that can affect a prepared how plated custard tastes to its customer. However, any two factors that can remarkably affect it are the temperature at which the custard is served to the customer and the vessels in which the custard is provided. While plating the dessert, care must be taken to ensure that the garnish items are not unnecessary and do actively contribute to the taste and flavour of the custard served, and that each garnish item is edible. It is important to ensure that each ingredient used as a main item or sauce does complement the other parts of the custard, so that the finished custard product is a sum of its products, rather than individual delicacies (Almasco and Sales 1969). While plating a custard, balance in taste should be ensured. For example, if the custard is too soft, a crunchy component such as a piece of chocolate or a couple of nuts must be served on the top of it. While different items of different colours can come as attractive, too much colour and fruits can end up jumbling the final product. Hence, only those ingredients which are complementing in taste should be included. The basic components of a still-frozen desserts are cake, ice cream, sorbet and mousses. The texture of the dessert refers to the mouth full quality of the same. As far as the still-frozen desserts are concerned, these are rich in high fat content and consequently these tend to have a much smoother mouth feel. Reference List: Adedokun, O.A.O. and Mustapha, I.O., 2015. Full Length Research Article. Albuquerque, T.G., Santos, J., Silva, M.A., Oliveira, M.B.P.P. and Costa, H., 2017. Multivariate characterization of salt and fat contents, and fatty acids profile of pastry and bakery products.Food Function. Almasco, N.C. and Sales, S., 1969. A study of the value of coconut in custard making.Res,5, pp.21-22. Amatayakul, T., Sherkat, F. and Shah, N.P., 2006. Syneresis in set yogurt as affected by EPS starter cultures and levels of solids.International Journal of Dairy Technology,59(3), pp.216-221. Marina, A.M. and NurulAzizah, S., 2014. Use of Coconut Versus Dairy Milk Products in Malaysian Dishes: Comparison of Nutritional Composition and Sensory Evaluation.Journal of Food and Nutrition Research,2(4), pp.204-208. Souzy, R., Suau, J.M., Kensicher, Y. and Guerret, O., Coatex, 2014.Cosmetic formulation containing a non water-soluble amphiphilic copolymer as thickening agent. U.S. Patent 8,790,622. Vareltzis, P., Adamopoulos, K., Stavrakakis, E., Stefanakis, A. and Goula, A.M., 2016. Approaches to minimise yoghurt syneresis in simulated tzatziki sauce preparation.International Journal of Dairy Technology,69(2), pp.191-199.